Changing your organisational culture; how to start?

Often, the aim of changing an organisation’s culture is to create a working environment where everyone can express themselves, create positive dynamics and increase performance. But such a long-term process, can create complex situations. Use our checklist for efficient culture change or contact us for help.

Changing Organisational Culture

The way cooperation takes place between employees and with customers is referred to as the ‘culture’ of an organisation. In some cases, there is a lack of cooperation or a fear-based work culture, which means you’re dealing with a culture problem. Since corporate culture is very important for the success of organisations, it is important to take action. But what are the key points you need to bear in mind if you want to change the culture within an organisation?

"Better performance and results, as well as more innovation, better reputation and high performing teams are all benefits of an inclusive organisational culture."

How to measure the culture in an organisation?

If you want to work together in a different way, you first need to look at why the current organisational culture is the way it is. Then, certain interventions can take place so that people can work together differently. The way employees currently work together needs to be mapped and the current culture needs to be measured.

Insights from the Qi Index

In making current culture measurable, Human Insight can help. We do this using the Qi Index: the Quality of Interaction index. An assessment that maps the current culture and provides insight into the human side of change. The Qi Index also provides insight into the way people interact with eachother.

For organisations, the Qi Index also maps out which behaviours on the workfloor contribute to the execution of the strategy and which should be abandoned. The Qi Index contributes to creating a working environment with an inclusive organisational culture, where people feel at ease.

Create an inclusive organisational culture

The Qi Index is an assessment tool that works, among other things, with a questionnaire about your current organisational culture. This questionnaire reveals how people think about the current way of working and communication within teams or departments. This tool supports management teams, CxOs and teams in general to create a positive working environment based on trust and desired behaviour.

After the current culture is fully mapped steps can be taken and behaviours that get in the way of performance can be released.

Changing your organisational culture in 10 steps

Culture change in complex organisations is not a short process that can be implemented quickly. Plans need to be laid down and understood by the whole organisation. There needs to be someone monitoring the processes and ensuring a smooth transition. By working with a culture change roadmap, you can create a common thread here.

The Culture Change Checklist for an inclusive work culture

Use our 10 steps-checklist for changing your organisational culture. Lay down the steps to create a clear process and a new culture.

The step-by-step plan in combination with our Qi Index optimally maps out which behaviours within the organisation lead to positive results and how cognitively diverse the organisation is. It reveals how agile the organisation is and how it handles and responds to change.

Get started with the practical steps of our ‘Culture Change Checklist’. These steps can be taken to stimulate culture change within an organisation for organisational development:

  1. Why is culture change needed? First, establish why things need to change. What problems are you running into and what is getting in the way of this.
  2. Clearly define and communicate the desired culture: Establish a clear vision and set of values in line with the organisation’s goals and objectives. Communicate this vision and values to all employees and stakeholders.
  3. Lead by example: Managers should demonstrate the desired behaviour and actively encourage and monitor the new culture.
  4. Involve employees: Encourage employee participation and input in the culture change process. This helps create buy-in and commitment to the change.
  5. Adjust systems and processes: Assess and adapt systems and processes to support the new culture. This includes things like recruitment, performance appraisal and rewards and recognition.
  6. Reinforce the new culture: Continuously reinforce the new culture through training, communication and leadership programmes.
  7. Measure and evaluate progress: Measure and evaluate progress regularly to assess the effectiveness of culture change efforts and make adjustments where necessary.
  8. Be patient and persistent: Culture change can take time and requires persistence. It is important to keep the vision and goals in mind and persevere.
  9. Provide a feedback mechanism: Take regular feedback from employees and take necessary steps to improve the culture.
  10. Make it a continuous process: Organisational culture is not a one-off project, it should be continuously monitored and improved.

Changing Organisational Culture Checklist

Download our free Changing Organisational Culture Checklist [PDF]. With this 10-step checklist you easily start working on a positive and inclusive organisational culture.

Reasons for changing your organisational culture

The goal of changing organisational culture is to create a working environment where people feel comfortable enough to express themselves fully and discover their full potential. As a result, teams become more independent, creative and performance improves.

A positive and inclusive organisational culture ensures that team performance improves and sustainable and self-managing teams can be built.

Human Insight offers support on this complex topic, through training, coaching and scientifically based assessments, among other things. Are you looking for organisational culture change training or want to work on your leadership style? Get in touch with us.

Culture Change in Complex Organisations

Getting started with changing the culture of your organisation? Working towards positive team dynamics, increased performance and a high level of psychological safety?

Human Insight has the tools and insights to support you in the transition to a healthy and efficient organisational culture.

Contact us at or call +31 (0)85 8229827.


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